LaLiZi sarl

Online-Shop wird betrieben durch


LaLiZi Sàrl

Sitz der Gesellschaft

18 um Paerchen

L-8352 Dahlem



Geschäftsführerin: Christiane Thoma


Trade and Companies Register No.B 210351

 VAT No.LU 29168734

Chambre des métiers Luxembourg No.51560-1


Telefon: +352 621 19 99 77

Contact: e-mail address


Beschwerden und Streitigkeiten (VSBG)


Die EU-Kommission stellt eine Internetplattform für außergerichtliche Streitschlichtung bereit, die unter folgendem Link erreichbar ist: Verbraucher haben die Möglichkeit, Streitigkeiten in Zusammenhang mit Ihrer Online-Bestellung dort zu klären.


intellectual property


All intellectual property rights on, including, without this list being limitative, images, logos, trademarks, source codes, software, designs, navigation infrastructure, data bases and any other content contained in or forming part of the website (this website, the “Website” and all these elements, the “Website’s Elements”), are reserved by all relevant right holders, which may be Lalizi and its affiliates.

The user of the Website is only allowed to display and print hard copies of the Website’s Elements or the Website for the sole and exclusive purpose of visiting the Website and/or use the Services provided on the Website (as defined in Lalizi’s Terms of Use, available at: terms and conditions

Any other use of the Website or the Website Elements that is not expressly provided for above without Lalizi’s prior express authorization is prohibited and may expose the user to criminal prosecution.